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TID (Tax incremental district), see Property tax
Timber, see Forestry
Tourism, see Recreation
Tourism, Department of
Amusement or theme parks and organizations promoting tourism: grants from certain federal moneys for recovery from COVID-19 pandemic [vetoed] - AB234
General transportation aids program: penalty revised for towns and villages that file necessary documentation within 30 days past the deadline - Act 102
Local land use restrictions revised re newly incorporated cities and villages - Act 198
Statutory changes re one-time purchase of equipment under 1989 WisAct 31, “safety data sheets” references, and designation of head of “emergency management” by cities, villages and towns (remedial legislation suggested by DMA) - Act 243
Town general transportation aid limitation adjustment payment [Sec. 57, 330] - Act 58
Town — Finance
County forest acreage share payments [Sec. 169] - Act 58
General transportation aid for towns with low equalized values: maximum set [Sec. 328, 329] - Act 58
Laws administered by DOR: revisions re shared revenue, property assessment, income taxes, sales tax, and payments from counties to towns; income tax exemption for certain income and grants related to COVID-19 relief - Act 1
Trades and occupations, see also specific occupation
Credentials granted by DSPS and credentialing boards: process revisions - Act 118
DOR may issue Class "B" and "Class B" permits for motor vehicle racetrack grounds; caterer may make retail sales of alcohol beverages on racetrack grounds - Act 39
Health care providers licensed in another state: DSPS may grant temporary credentials under certain conditions [vetoed] - AB1
Interior designer: regulation, registration, and scope of practice revisions; examining board provision - Act 195
Pawnbroker notices re sale and surplus: email or text message allowed; administrative rule provision [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 77.06] - Act 203
Trains, see Railroad
Anatomical gift or related services: discrimination based on individual’s disability prohibited - Act 113
Electing to be an anatomical gift donor when applying for a hunting, fishing, or trapping license at age 15 or older - Act 220
Transportation, Department of — Administration
Electing to be an anatomical gift donor when applying for a hunting, fishing, or trapping license at age 15 or older - Act 220
Elections Commission and DOT agreement to match personally identifiable information: checking voter registration changes and resolving discrepancies [vetoed] - SB940
Elections Commission annual report required re failures to comply with certain elections-related laws by the Commission, DOT, DOC, and DHS; JCF duties [vetoed] - SB942
FTE position transfers between certain departments [Sec. 9101 (1), 9119 (1), 9150 (1)] - Act 58
Harbor assistance program: additional public debt [Sec. 106] - Act 58
Lt. Governor security [Sec. 9144 (8)] [vetoed] - Act 58
Mass transit state aid and future budget provision [Sec. 324, 325, 9144 (1)] - Act 58
Town general transportation aid limitation adjustment payment [Sec. 57, 330] - Act 58
Vehicle weight or size limit permit fees and specific information signs on highways revisions; motor vehicle emission control equipment grant program eliminated (remedial legislation suggested by DOT) - Act 244
Transportation, Department of — Rail service
Railroad property acquisition and improvement: additional public debt [Sec. 107] - Act 58
Transportation, Department of — Roads
"Bart Starr Memorial Bridge": STH 29 bridge over the Fox River in the City of Green Bay designated as; DOT and contributions from interested parties provisions - Act 74
"Deputy LaVonne Zenner Memorial Bridge" designated in Wood County; contributions from interested parties - Act 211
Design-build project bonding for certain highway projects [Sec. 60, 105, 286, 321, 322] - Act 58
General transportation aid for towns with low equalized values: maximum set [Sec. 328, 329] - Act 58
General transportation aids program: payments increased [Sec. 327, 331, 332] - Act 58
General transportation aids program: penalty revised for towns and villages that file necessary documentation within 30 days past the deadline - Act 102
I 94 and Moorland Road interchange improvements: state highway rehabilitation funds [Sec. 59, 9144 (5)] - Act 58
I 94 east-west corridor: DOT authorized to contract public debt [Sec. 104, 282-285, 287, 320] - Act 58
Innovative Program Delivery, Office of, created in DOT; alternative project delivery, design-build projects, and emergency rules provisions; report required [Sec. 10, 288-319, 326, 9144 (6), (7)] [297, 298, 306, 319 -- partial veto; 10, 290, 293, 301, 303, 308, 326, 9144 (7) -- vetoed] - Act 58
Local highways and bridges supplement program: allocating certain federal moneys to [vetoed] - AB238
Local roads improvement discretionary supplement [Sec. 58, 333, 334] - Act 58
Purple Heart Memorial Highways: STH 21 designated as; contributions from interested parties provision - Act 91
Southern Bridge project crossing the Fox River in Brown County [Sec. 281, 9144 (4)] [281 -- vetoed] - Act 58
Transportation infrastructure loan program: DOT required to publish and report certain information - Act 170
Transportation, Department of — Vehicles
DOT to establish programs to increase number of individuals with CDLs; sunset provision [vetoed] - AB941
Elections Commission and DOT agreement re matching personally identifiable information: verification of U.S. citizenship requirement; DOT to add “Not valid for voting purposes” on operator’s licenses and ID cards of noncitizens [vetoed] - SB938
Motor vehicle fleet registration - Act 178
Motor vehicle registration: DOT to use monthly series system of registration for certain vehicles; local government registration fee and transfer of certain vehicle registration plates provisions - Act 154
Motor vehicle registration plates: 10-year replacement cycle and construction requirements established - Act 163
Operating unregistered vehicles: declared state of emergency exception repealed; imminent public disaster, death, or great bodily harm exception created - Act 108
Oversize or overweight vehicles transporting forest products: permit modifications - Act 171
Warning lamps on certain highway vehicles re traffic hazard: green lamps added and configuration provisions - Act 255
Transportation fund, see Road — Finance
Trapping, see Hunting
Truax Field, see National Guard
Trust fund
Ambulance service providers re MA program: assessment, fees, and trust fund; DHS duties - Act 228
Authorized state building program for 2021-23; transfer to the state building trust fund [ Sec. 1-4, 6, 7, 94-96, 101, 102, 108-110, 112-115, 117-130, 9104 (1)-(14)] [94, 9104 (1), (13) -- partial veto; 4, 118, 127 -- vetoed] - Act 58
MA trust fund: transfer from general fund [Sec. 9219 (2)] - Act 58
Permanent endowment fund transfer to MA trust fund [Sec. 167] - Act 58
Unclaimed property, see Personal property
Unemployment — Relief measures
Hire Heroes program eligibility modified [Sec. 339] - Act 58
Unemployment insurance
Motor carrier safety improvement used or deployed by motor vehicle operator for a motor carrier is not evidence of employment rather than independent contractor for WC, UI, minimum wage, wage claims, and income and franchise tax law purposes [vetoed] - SB703
UI benefits: maximum number of weeks changed [vetoed] - AB937